Has Andrew Marr Damaged his Reputation?

This morning newspaper and TV revelations feature Andrew Marr, the likeable BBC political presenter and former editor of the Independent newspaper.  Marr has revealed that he has in the past sought and been granted a super injunction (popularly known as a gag order) to prevent any hints of a past extramarital affair coming to light.

Is it enough that Marr has (now) unburdened himself and can sleep at night? Alternatively, is it a shallow move after benefiting from the privacy effect for several years.

Marr wasn’t totally open about this having decided to come clean only when Private Eye (a UK satirical magazine) sought to challenge the injunction.

PR gurus will always recommend honesty, and there is no doubt that in the language he uses Marr has put forward an honest and human case.  He says he was protecting his family, and this is a position we can probably all relate to. But enough of Marr,

For companies, brands and individuals alike: dealing with a PR crisis takes preparation as well as honesty, acting quickly to neutralise or deal as best as possible with the subject in hand, and show that there is a human face behind the brand.

Adrian G Stewart

Adrian G Stewart






Adrian G Stewart


About adriangstewart

Senior executive with expert knowledge of all aspects of strategic marketing and a track record of creating sustainable competitive advantage. International management and leadership experience in both B2B and B2C organizations. Specialties:Strategic marketing management including; new product development, product life cycle management, business relationship management, market segmentation, marketing information systems, e-commerce and social media marketing.
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