Facebook Rules the Roost

Facebook Inc. is so much more than a social network  –   Basically Facebook Inc. owns four of the world’s largest social media and messaging services and is known to be developing its own search engine and is getting ready to launch Snapchat-style ‘disappearing’ messages and end-to-end encryption on Messenger. It truly dominates the social media landscape.


Facebook reaches more than 1.6 billion people per month and WhatsApp reaches over one billion-users.

What all of the social media and messaging services have in common, is their commercial attractiveness both to paid advertisers and organic promotion. Their tremendous reach and ability to segment and target specific groups based on online behavior and stated preferences is extremely powerful.

In the U.S. alone, social media ad revenue is continuing to grow and will reach almost $15 billion this year. We have previously looked at the increasing use of ad blocking software as users attempt to limit their exposure to advertising see [link]

Despite its massive member base Tencent Holdings Ltd., the company behind Chinese sites WeChat and Qzone still doesn’t come close to Facebook Inc.’s social footprint.

First published by Adrian G Stewart at OOKII.Company

Adrian G Stewart

Adrian G Stewart

About adriangstewart

Senior executive with expert knowledge of all aspects of strategic marketing and a track record of creating sustainable competitive advantage. International management and leadership experience in both B2B and B2C organizations. Specialties:Strategic marketing management including; new product development, product life cycle management, business relationship management, market segmentation, marketing information systems, e-commerce and social media marketing.
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